Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
  • Snow Groomed
  • Snow Packed
  • Snow Covered
  • Snow Cover Partial
  • Freeze/thaw Cycle
  • Icy
  • Prevalent Mud
  • Wet
  • Variable
  • Ideal
  • Dry
  • Very Dry
Trail Flow (Ridden Direction)
Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.
The colour categories are based on what percentage of riders are riding a trail in its intended direction.
  • > 96%
  • > 90%
  • > 80%
  • > 70%
  • > 50%
  • < 50%
  • bi-directional trail
  • no data
Trail Last Ridden
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden.
  • < 2 days
  • < 1 week
  • < 2 weeks
  • < 1 month
  • < 6 months
  • > 6 months
Trail Ridden Direction
The intended direction a trail should be ridden.
  • Downhill Only
  • Downhill Primary
  • Both Directions
  • Uphill Primary
  • Uphill Only
  • One Direction
Contribute Details
Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail.
  • Description
  • Photos
  • Description & Photos
  • Videos
Trail Popularity ?
Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months. Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades. Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors.
  • most popular
  • popular
  • less popular
  • not popular
Max Vehicle Width
US Cell Coverage
cell carrier legend

Radar Time
x Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public ridelogs from the past 6 months.
  • mountain biking recent
  • mountain biking (>6 month)
  • hiking (1 year)
  • moto (1 year)
Activity Recordings
Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months.
  • Downhill Ski
  • Backcountry Ski
  • Nordic Ski
  • Snowmobile
Winter Trails
Warning A routing network for winter maps does not exist. Selecting trails using the winter trails layer has been disabled.
x Missing Trails
Most Popular
Least Popular
Trails are colored based on popularity. The more popular a trail is, the more red. Less popular trails trend towards green.
Jump Magnitude Heatmap
Heatmap of where riders jump on trails. Zoom in to see individual jumps, click circles to view jump details.
Trails Deemphasized
Trails are shown in grey.
Only show trails with NO bikes.

Save the current map location and zoom level as your default home location whenever this page is loaded.

      722 trails
      titleriding areacityprovactivitytypeactivitytype
      100 AVEGreen Timbers Urban ForestSurreyBC
      105 BLVD Bike LaneSurreySurreyBC
      128 Ave. PathMaple RidgeMaple RidgeBC
      132 Ave. ConnectorMaple RidgeMaple RidgeBC
      132 Ave. ConnectorMaple RidgeMaple RidgeBC
      2020McNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      236 ConnectorSilver ValleyMaple RidgeBChorsehorse
      240 St ConnectorMaple RidgeMaple RidgeBC
      256thMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      4 Letter WordLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      79 GrindStave West - Rolley LakeMissionBChikehike
      88 UphillMcNuttMaple RidgeBC
      93xMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Abbey Access - No BikingHeritage TrailsMissionBChikehike
      AccessBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      AccessThornhillMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Access 10Red MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Access 12Red MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Access 13Red MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Access 9Red MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Access RoadHi-Knoll ParkLangleyBCmtbmtb
      Access RoadWoodlotMaple RidgeBC
      Access Road - The Price of AdmissionThornhillMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Access TrailNew WestminsterNew WestminsterBC
      Access TrailThornhillMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Access TrailThornhillMaple RidgeBChikehike
      Access1Sumas MountainAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Access1WoodlotMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Access11Red MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Access12Sumas MountainAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Access13Sumas MountainAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Access15Sumas MountainAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Access16Sumas MountainAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Access2Sumas MountainAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Access2WoodlotMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Access3WoodlotMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Access3Bear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Access4WoodlotMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Access5WoodlotMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Airport Bike PathPitt MeadowsPitt MeadowsBC
      Alex Fraser Bridge - NorthboundDeltaDeltaBC
      Alex Fraser Bridge - SouthboundDeltaDeltaBC
      Alouette FsrMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Alouette Lake TrailGolden Ears Provincial ParkMaple RidgeBChikehike
      Amy FisherLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Angry MennoniteLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Annacis Channel East BridgeDeltaDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Annacis Channel West BridgeRichmondRichmondBC
      Applewood DrLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Arduum Guns and RotorsRed MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Around HooverSteelheadMissionBChikehike
      Around the FieldDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Around the RavineDownes Bowl / McLure HillsideAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Artesian TrailDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Aunty's SocialLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      B-LineWoodlotMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Baby LipsDownes Bowl / McLure HillsideAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Back at Scout CampDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      BackdoorBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Backyard 2Delta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Barkyard 1Delta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Barney's LineLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Barrel Hole ConnectorMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Barrel TrailMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Bassani TrailLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Bateman Road ConnectorLedgeviewAbbotsfordBC
      BC ParkwaySurreySurreyBC
      BC ParkwaySurreySurreyBC
      BC ParkwayBurnabyBurnabyBC
      Bear BackBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Bear BunsBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Bear RidgeThornhillMaple RidgeBC
      Bear Ridge SouthThornhillMaple RidgeBC
      Bearea 51Bear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Below LowDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      BenderDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Berm and ErnieThornhillMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Berm DonorLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Better Red than DeadRed MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Biero DT100Red MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Big GulchDownes Bowl / McLure HillsideAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Big LogMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Big RedRed MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Big Trouble Little ChainringBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      BiggunsBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Bike PathPitt MeadowsPitt MeadowsBCmtbmtb
      Bill & Doug’s Excellent TrailMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Black TieRed MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Blazing SaddlesThornhillMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Bloggy StyleWoodlotMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Blood DonorWoodlotMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Blue Mountain Forest Service Road Branch 2McNuttMaple RidgeBC
      Blue Mountain Forest Service Road Branch 2McNuttMaple RidgeBC
      Blue Mountain Forest Service Road Branch 2McNuttMaple RidgeBC
      Blue Mountain FsrMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Bob's GardenRed MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Bog Greenway TrailDeltaDeltaBC
      BombardierBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Boundary Bay Dyke TrailDeltaDeltaBC
      BOVMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      BR. SA100Bear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      BR. SA110Bear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      BR. SA200Bear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      BR. SA300Bear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      BR. SA430Bear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      BR. SA440Bear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      BriarwoodDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Briarwood ConnectorDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Briarwood Main LineDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Brunette-Fraser Regional GreenwayNew WestminsterNew WestminsterBC
      Buddy'sMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Buddy's Canterbury ConnectorMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Buddy's Manor ConnectorMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Burger And FriesMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Byrne Creek TrailBurnabyBurnabyBCmtbmtb
      Campbell Jr.Latimer ParkLangleyBCmtbmtb
      Canned Chicken StarterLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      CanterburyMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Canterbury Manor ConnectorMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Canyon ShortcutDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Canyon to Coast TrailLangleyLangleyBC
      Canyon to Coast TrailLangleyLangleyBC
      Canyon to Coast TrailLangleyLangleyBC
      Canyon Trail CentreDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Canyon Trail EastDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Canyon Trail WestDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Carved CutsStave West - Rolley LakeMissionBCmtbmtb
      Carved DeereRolley Lake Provincal ParkMaple RidgeBC
      CaswellRed MountainMissionBChorsehorse
      Caswell Ave ClimbRed MountainMissionBChorsehorse
      Cedar Springs TrailLedgeviewAbbotsfordBChikehike
      Centennial TrailSumas MountainAbbotsfordBChikehike
      Central Valley GreenwayNew WestminsterNew WestminsterBC
      Charlie's Canned ChickenLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Chehalis Forrest Service RoadFraser ValleyChilliwackBCatvatv
      Cherry TomatoBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Chute Manor ConnectorMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Cliffside PointDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Climb ConnectorLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Climb line/Chute bypassLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Colony Farm Road TrailColony FarmCoquitlamBC
      ConnectorMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      ConnectorDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      ConnectorDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      ConnectorDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      Connector TrailRichmondRichmondBC
      CoolantMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Cop OutLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      CorduroyBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Corral LoopBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Corrie's CornersHeritage TrailsMissionBCmtbmtb
      CranksBear MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      Crazy 8Red MountainMissionBCmtbmtb
      CreeksideEverett Cowley ParkVancouverBC
      Cross CutThornhillMaple RidgeBChorsehorse
      Cross TrailDelta WatershedDeltaBCmtbmtb
      CubMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Cub Loop #1Heritage TrailsMissionBCmtbmtb
      Da PlowLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Da Plow AccessLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Da Plow AccessLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Dam CrossingHeritage TrailsMissionBCmtbmtb
      Dark TrailMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      dead reckoningLedgeviewAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb
      Delta South Surrey GreenwayDeltaDeltaBC
      Derby Beach Regional ParkDarby Reach Regional ParkFort LangleyBC
      Dessert PlateMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Dinner PlateMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Discovery Trail pDownes Bowl / McLure HillsideAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail - 3AAbbotsfordAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail - 3BAbbotsfordAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail - 3CLedgeviewAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail - 3DLedgeviewAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail - Babich to MatsquiAbbotsfordAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail - Clearbrook/MaclureDownes Bowl / McLure HillsideAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail - Horn to GladwinAbbotsfordAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail - Maclure/Old YaleDownes Bowl / McLure HillsideAbbotsfordBC
      Discovery Trail, Dehavilland/LivingstoneAbbotsfordAbbotsfordBC
      DNRMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      DojoMcNuttMaple RidgeBCmotomoto
      Down and OutThornhillMaple RidgeBCmtbmtb
      Downes Estates ConnectorDownes Bowl / McLure HillsideAbbotsfordBCmtbmtb