7.2 miles
1,424 ft
-1,426 ft
1 mile
High Point

The Jumbo Mountain trailhead is east of downtown Paonia. Take 2nd or 3rd Street, heading east, over the railroad tracks and to Rio Grand. At Rio Grand take a left. Rio Grand turns into Pan American Avenue just past the Forest Service office. The trailhead is at the end of Pan American Avenue. Apple Valley Park is on your right not too far past the Forest Service and is the preferred place to park. There are a handful of parking spaces at the top of the hill but be respectful of the residents at the trailhead.
To ride to Jumbo Ridge, the highest point of the trail system, enter the trailhead gate (if it's closed, keep it closed; cattle may be grazing the area) and proceed east on Gully Trail. Do not take a left turn uphill from the trailhead to parallel the housing development, or you will be riding up the recommended downhill route, Elitches.
After approximately a mile on gentle up and down terrain on Gully Trail, you will come to the Powerline Road wich sits directly ahead of you as you come off the single track. In a few hundred yards the road curves left and then up to a high-tension powerline tower, AKA The Tower of Power, at the top of the hill. Just before the Tower of Power the Powerline Road turns almost 180º and heads up the ridge to the northeast. As the Powerline Road leaves the ridge and breaks to the left, the start of Slant'n'Dicular is straight ahead.
Begin a steady climb (1.6 mi) with some switchbacks up Slant'n'Dicular to the Grassy Knoll. You are now on the north shoulder of Jumbo Ridge. Enjoy the spectacular view of the West Elk mountain range, with iconic Mount Lamborn and Lands End in the forefront. From the Grassy Knoll, you proceed up and to the east or left where Slant joins Jumbo Ridge at the Grassy Knoll. As you reach the top of this short climb, be careful as the trail begins to traverse the face of Jumbo and drops into the Toilet Bowl. CAUTION: exposure and rough terrain. Most of the face is rideable until the final 200’ or so of hike-a-bike terrain, Take a brake here and enjoy the hammock, you have reached the top of the Jumbo Ridge trail. On the decent you ride a fairly technical, fun and stunningly beautiful section of trail as it crosses the upper flank of Jumbo Mountain. You will pass the turn off for Rock n’ Roll on the right and do a short grunt to gain the southeast shoulder of Jumbo Ridge. From here the trail descends for 1.5 miles. Toward the bottom you will scream passed the turn offs for Seven Bridges, Herfendoodle, and Plumbers Crack, but stay on the ridge. After an up, and a bunch more flowy descent, you will connect with the bottom part of Herfendoodle and follow it over a bridge and up to Bang Zoom, passing the Cactus Cutoff on the right. At Bang Zoom take a right and follow it for about a ¼ mile looking for a sharp left onto Zip n’ Out. Take Zip n Out across Horseshoe Ridge and follow it until it crosses the gully and joins back up with the Gully trail. Hang a left here and follow Gully back to the trailhead.

Detailed Description
Jumbo Ridge Loop is a 7 mile popular expert route located near Paonia Colorado. This mountain bike only route can be used one direction and has a hard overall physical rating. This route includes 3 trails. This route climbs 1,424 ft with a max elevation of 6,969 ft then descends -1,426 ft.
Local Trail Association
Local trail association
COPMOBA - Delta Area Mountain Bikers (www.copmoba.org)
Please consider joining or donating to the local riding association to support trail development & maintenance.
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Trails in Route

Gully4,593 ft
Slant-N-Dicular2 miles
Jumbo Ridge2 miles


  • Riding area
  • Primary Activity
    Mountain Bike
  • Difficulty rating
    Black Diamond
  • Route Type
  • Bike type
    AM, XC
  • Direction
    One Direction
  • Physical rating
  • Ridelogs
More Stats for Jumbo Ridge Loop mountain bike route
  • Avg time
    1 hr 53 min
  • Altitude min
    5,784 ft
  • Altitude start
    5,802 ft
  • Altitude end
    5,801 ft
  • Grade max
  • Grade min
  • Distance climb
    4 miles
  • Distance down
    3 miles
  • Distance flat
    1,115 ft
Avg: 1 (1 votes)
Trail Conditions
  • Unknown
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