Type Trail Association
Primary Activity Mountain Bike
Bend, Oregon United States
Associated Groups
COTA Central Oregon Trail Alliance
COTA Saw Team Central Oregon Trail Alliance - Sawyer Team
COTA MADRAS Central Oregon Trail Alliance - Madras Team
Avg: 5 (4 votes)
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The Central Oregon Trail Alliance is a non profit volunteer organization that works in conjunction with the U.S.Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and other land managers to design, construct and maintain trails in Central Oregon.

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Riding Areas

nametrailstotal descenthighest trailtotal distance
Barnes Butte27-1,854 ft3,529 ft15 miles
Cache Mountain4-1,454 ft1 mile7 miles
Cascade View10-824 ft3,398 ft12 miles
Cline Butte36-3,503 ft4,068 ft36 miles
Crooked River National Grassland2-80 ft3,176 ft1 mile
Edison Butte Sno-Park/Staging/Trailhead11-2,549 ft1 mile27 miles
Gasline2-30 ft3,719 ft2 miles
Gray Butte13-5,841 ft5,103 ft42 miles
Horse Ridge12-4,376 ft4,891 ft35 miles
La Pine State Park12-478 ft4,244 ft16 miles
Lemon Gulch00 ft0 ft0 ft
Madras East Hills28-2,597 ft2,770 ft17 miles
Maston10-766 ft3,265 ft18 miles
Mill Creek Wilderness3-1,627 ft1 mile20 miles
Newberry Crater22-8,693 ft2 miles64 miles
Ochocos14-19,540 ft1 mile86 miles
Phil's100-17,420 ft1 mile177 miles
Pilot Butte4-139 ft4,129 ft3 miles
Potlid10 ft1 mile7 miles
Radlands9-263 ft3,048 ft7 miles
Smith Rock18-2,632 ft3,576 ft14 miles
Swampy Sno-Park6-1,019 ft1 mile9 miles
Three Creek Lake6-1,372 ft1 mile18 miles
Wanoga25-6,770 ft1 mile61 miles
Willow Canyon1-334 ft2,219 ft6 miles

4 Reviews for Central Oregon Trail...

  • + 3
 A lot of hard work is put in by this organization to keep the trails in Bend fresh!
  • + 4
 Nothing but amazingly perfect maintained trails.
  • + 1
 Trails are always amazing. Good condition no matter what weather is thrown at them.
  • + 2
 Love what these guys do!
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Recent Donations

pmhobson$15 USDOct 16, 2024
churchdc$25 USDJun 14, 2024
Layzeeb1ker$5 USDMay 31, 2024
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