Schacher Details
- Mountain Bike
- E-Bike
- Hike
- Trail Running
Riding AreaMount 7
Golden, British Columbia -
Difficulty Rating
Trail TypeSingletrack
Bike TypeAM, XC
DirectionBoth Directions
Climb DifficultyBlue
Dogs AllowedYes
eBike AllowedYes up to Class 1
TTFs on TrailBerm, Bridge, Jump, Gap Jump, Log Ride, Rock Face, Skinny
Global Ranking
Local Popularity70 in Mountain Biking [+]
- 95 in E-Biking
- 50 in Trail Running
- 5 in Hiking
Year Opened2016
Schacher provides the first “up” singletrack for Mt 7. It was built with cross country riders in mind. Put it in low gear and enjoy the climb. Scope the berms, bridges and jumps as you wind up Schacher through tall timber. You’ll be hammering these on the return ride if you choose to retrace your route. There is an optional ride around for all jumps and other TTFs.
In 2018 Schacher was completed to the top. It can be viewed as 2 sections. The first section from the bottom rides up singletrack for 4km to where it crosses the Mt 7 (Bowle-Evans Rd). It then continues for another 11km (all singletrack) to the top at the Mt 7 Launch Site for a total of 15km. Climbing up, the grade of the lower section has a bit of spunk, however, the grade of the upper section eases back a bit with plenty of brief coasting sections thrown in to give you a short break from pedaling.
Note that just before you come to the end of the lower section as you climb up, the trail branches (at a skinny). The right hand fork is B52 (signed) and it goes for a short, fun run over to the entrance of the DH trail “5 K”. Otherwise the left fork continues for 100m to the Mt 7 Rd and the start of the Schacher upper section.
Local family man Sean Schacher was the inspiration for this trail, and it was the drive of local familyman/good-guy-with-superhero-powers Jeremy Harris who made it happen. Both of these 2 local riders now ride along in spirit with you on this ride.
Access Info
Currently the Schacher starts approximately 2.2km up the Mt 7 Rd (Bowle-Evans Rd). You can link together 7 Up, Bush Party and Woodlot Ride if you wish to avoid much of the road on the way to this point.
Local Trail Association
Please consider joining or donating to the local trail association to supportdonate to earn trail karma!
trail development & maintenance.
Traditionally Indigenous Territory
More Stats for Schacher mountain bike trail trail
Altitude change3,146 ft
Altitude min3,194 ft
Altitude max6,340 ft
Altitude start3,194 ft
Altitude end6,339 ft
Grade max-47.4%
Grade min74.6%
Distance climb5 miles
Distance down2 miles
Distance flat1 mile
Avg time01:54:27
Avg reverse time01:29:43
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Recent Ridelog Activity on Trail
- 0 rides
- 26 rides
- 17 miles avg distance
- 214 rides
- Last: Oct 25, 2024
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10 Reviews & Comments
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